
Showing posts with the label Peace of mind

Note to self: Let shit go.

There's an Arab proverb that says " You should write the bad things that happen in the sand, so they can be easily erased ".   However, it's the human tendency to engrave bad things on marble and carry it with them lifelong. Taming a mind is like disciplining a child when it is constantly running in the directions you don't want it to. O ur minds and thoughts are a small part of us, but once we start seeing it as important, we can train it better at remembering the good things and letting go of the bad that becomes heavy baggage for the mind. Letting shit go is not easy because we are used to holding onto things that make the process difficult. We take things as we are the ones in control but we don't realize that holding onto unworthy things will make no sense rather than increasing the weight of our baggage. When it comes to me, I too hold onto things for a long time. But I constantly remind myself to embrace the worthy and let go of unworthy.  Once we promi...