Am I a good Human Being?

Being good isn't an easy task. To be so, you must acknowledge the bad within you.

Am I really good? This is a question that has always bothered me. On some days I think I am and on others I think I'm not. Being good isn't hard too, but it doesn't just happen. Everyone has a different journey, being good has a lot to do with discovering yourself. You have to accept and love yourself for who you are before you can put the goodness into the world.
For me, "Goodness" always comes straight from the heart in it's purest form. It is doing good to others, being honest and kind to everyone and everything. I've always tried to embody the qualities I admire in others and at the same time remembering the person I am because being yourself always helps in being a genuine person. I dwell on happiness as it brings out the good in you and on the good around instead of focusing on the negative. I've always done things that make me believe I'm a good person and on my own terms. I know I'm just an average person who is trying to become better in life. I know I'll never be "The Perfect" but that doesn't mean I won't try. Every human has a finite  number of heartbeats and I don't intend to waste any being an evil one. For me, life is a journey and becoming better everyday is the goal. I know everyday is not a good one but I believe there is something good in each day therefore making each day a masterpiece is what I intend to. I've already tried to become the person I appreciate and will always try to be. I know I can't be good in everyone's views but becoming good for those who care for me is what I want.
 I still don't have an answer to my question because I'm in the process and this is something people around can answer.
Soul is like a river which originates with pure water and all the goodness in it, keeping this river the same is what I always try for.

Thank you for reading this ,will be looking forward to your views in the comments section.


  1. A good write up i must say!! Keep going

  2. Nicely written.

  3. 👌👌👌✍

  4. ����������

  5. U r a good person... keep doing that.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you 😇 😇 😇

  7. We all have goods and bads in us....We need to focus on goods working to improve our bads.

    1. I too think so. To be a good human our soul must be pure.


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